Within the course of this week, it has come to my attention that many of my friends and family do not understand the inner-workings of the internet. The prospect of memes, the constant threat of trolls, the undeniable importance of posting FIRST on a comments thread; these things may seem like second nature to you and I, but to many, when I speak of such things it's that of a foreign language. Therefore, I have decided, that not only will I be updating my blog more often with the easter eggs that said internet has to offer, but I will also attempt to decode them for those who, for lack of a better word, are rick-roll inept.
The site uses a randomizing database to compile a playlist of tunes that ranges from ridiculous 80s hits to funny internet-recognizable memes, pairing them with a series of classic and never been seen before animated cat gif images.. reminding me just how the internet always manages to find a way to redeem itself amongst the crapload of filth it delivers to me on a big truck, series of tubes, etc etc. Personally, I enjoy leaving it on in the background while I'm working in the photography lab. The combination of absoludacris songs and new cat every 2 to 3 minutes does quite the opposite of what the site name suggests, and typically manages to put a shit-eating grin on my face for hours at a time.
This week is also brought to you in part by the Safety Dance. I've tweeted this link several times on Twitter and Facebook already; however given the context, and me finally completing Deus Ex: Human Revolution a few days ago - I find it relevant to your interests (yes you, internet).