Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Meme of the week.. and Adam Jensen's favorite dance.

Within the course of this week, it has come to my attention that many of my friends and family do not understand the inner-workings of the internet. The prospect of memes, the constant threat of trolls, the undeniable importance of posting FIRST on a comments thread; these things may seem like second nature to you and I, but to many, when I speak of such things it's that of a foreign language. Therefore, I have decided, that not only will I be updating my blog more often with the easter eggs that said internet has to offer, but I will also attempt to decode them for those who, for lack of a better word, are rick-roll inept.

I have a new favorite website as of a few days ago: procatinator.com. I hope you've seen it.

The site uses a randomizing database to compile a playlist of tunes that ranges from ridiculous 80s hits to funny internet-recognizable memes, pairing them with a series of classic and never been seen before animated cat gif images.. reminding me just how the internet always manages to find a way to redeem itself amongst the crapload of filth it delivers to me on a big truck, series of tubes, etc etc. Personally, I enjoy leaving it on in the background while I'm working in the photography lab. The combination of absoludacris songs and new cat every 2 to 3 minutes does quite the opposite of what the site name suggests, and typically manages to put a shit-eating grin on my face for hours at a time.

This week is also brought to you in part by the Safety Dance. I've tweeted this link several times on Twitter and Facebook already; however given the context, and me finally completing Deus Ex: Human Revolution a few days ago - I find it relevant to your interests (yes you, internet).

Thursday, December 8, 2011

On the subject of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Despite the fact that it's the worst time of first semester, I'm in a good mood. I blame this on several things. In an attempt to finish the game before the beginning of winter break (so I can play Skyrim), I have taken the initiative to stay well ahead of the curve on my school work, finishing my final projects, photography assignments and prepping my finals with enough time to come home and play some Deus Ex every night. It's a steamy affair if I may say so myself.. Although, it also doesn't hurt that I've been in the Christmas spirit lately, and I should also mention, that a Pinkberry frozen yogurt spot just recently opened up a town over, so consequently that may have something to do with it as well..

Never the less, this game is really great. To be honest it took me awhile to get into it. And to be fair, any game that lets me rearrange my weapons in a suitcase has a habit of grabbing my OCD by the hairs and never letting go. I would be lying if I said I didn't spend the first several hours thumbing back and forth throughout the menu screens for this reason alone:

Blips in the road aside, the imagery is fantastic. I'm a huge fan of the sci-fi futuristic era. For those of you unfamiliar with Deus Ex, Human Revolution comes as a prequel to the original, released on PC in 2000 and is the third game to be released as part of the series by Eidos.

In the game you play as Adam Jensen; the year, 2027. Politics involving human cybernetic enhancement drive a storyline that twists and turns depending on the interactions you have with those around you. Adam, is new to the world of augmentation himself, after a terrorist attack on Sarif Industries, a firm specializing in the biotechnology of humans, leaves him mortally wounded. Reborn with the cybernetic upgrades that saved his life, the game allows ample specializations and focuses that Jensen can choose from, and your choice to either use lethal force, or be a sneaky son of a B will also have an affect on the way the story plays out.

I wouldn't want to give away too much yet, seeing as I still have about 20% remaining in the story to complete. However, I will say that I am particularly pleased that I decided to complete a lot of the side missions and stories, so for those of you who haven't played it yet, and are thinking about it, I would indeed advise you to take your time. One of the great things about this game is that you can play it any way you want; freedom of choice is everything, but the backstories add context, and personally for me, I have found that they have enriched the overall experience.


During a previous side mission, I had the opportunity to help out Sarif helicopter pilot, Faridah Malik, clean up a sticky situation involving the murder of her best friend in Shanghai This added quite a bit of depth to the relationship between the two characters, and so later on, against all odds, I couldn't see the justification in letting her die upon returning to Heng Sha, when the aircraft gets shot down by Belltower, despite the massive ambush. Tyler, who also just recently played the game, wasn't aware that this was an option.

This conversation alone had me in stitches for a good 10 minutes. ^__^ The LOLs are still palpable. BAH, I'm rambling, I think it's time I returned to the digital lab and got some printing done so I can play s'more..

Speaking of which, my photography work is coming along nicely this semester. With our final critique of this term coming up quickly, despite the massive pile of negatives that I need to scan today, I should have quite a bit of photos up on my Flickr account within the next month or so. /dance

This reminds me, with Alice: Madness Returns under my belt, I couldn't help but change up my iPhone lockscreen and homescreens recently. Perhaps you will appreciate it as much as I did:


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Temporary Haitus is Temporary

In case you haven't noticed by my lack of posts, school is trying to kill me.

It's been a rough few months kicking off my senior year, which started with the loss of my car in a flash flood. You read that right. New England was quickly becoming a sea of despair when I returned home from Los Angeles this summer.

With graduation coming up I'm more determined than ever to get this show on the road. I'll be getting my BFA in Photography this May so a lot of the year has been spent preparing my senior thesis. I also a final photography show coming up in April, so that's always something. I'll have to post up more of my work as it nears.

Additionally, within the past month I've restarted work at GameStop, now that I have a temporary whip to facilitate the process of arrival. Despite being a retail job, I really do enjoy being able to yammer with random people about videogames on a tri-weekly basis. Keeps me alive, fills me glee, etc etc. It's been one of the few things that have restored my sanity amongst the cavalcade of papers, critiques and presentations that have been running me into the ground post-sickness and Connecticut power outages. But I digress with such murky uncharacteristically depressive, sullen news.

NYCC goodness. && the crazy November snowstorm that hit CT

On the gaming front I did manage to finish up American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns. And I must say, it was quite an enjoyable journey. Currently I find myself entrenched in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, or as I like to call it Deu Sex. Adam Jensen is the coolest old dude ever, despite that time I punched through a wall only to realize I apparently can't survive a 5 ft drop without a particular augment. I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS.

With first semester coming to a rapid close, and winter break coming up I'm definitely planning some epic Skyrim hibernation for my future. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't really looking forward to that - binary code snuggie and Twink unicorn pillow pet are set and at the ready (I clearly have no shame at all what-so-ever)!

OH HAI sessy Halo 3 controller I picked up from a trade at work. xD Best combo, evar.

Also random- Guild Wars 2, I'm looking at you. Y U NO OUT YET? I think it's because the world is preparing itself for the day I buy a new PC. *schwing schwing*


Thursday, November 10, 2011

What if Pokéballs were real?

The other day I was pondering life as a video game, as I typically do, and this got me thinking. What if we had pokeballs in real life? How would we use them to store objects, pets, people? Then I made a short movie about it.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Fiona and Cake!

I absolutely love this new preview for Adventure time with gender swaps! I see a new cosplay in the distant future. It's so perfect IMO. <3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Do want.

You know how every now and then something comes along that you feel as though you really NEED but have absolutely no reason for having? This is one of those moments. I would love to justify several reasons as to why I should own the new Star Wars Limited Edition Console, but realistically, I cannot (aside from the fact that it's pretty and I want to rub my face on it).

This brilliantly designed system comes bundled with a Kinect, which I do not currently own, YET, and was inspired by R2-D2 and C-3PO. The console also comes with a 320 GB Hard Drive built in; that's the largest 360 hard drive available to date baby (AND MORE OF A REASON WHY I NEED IT). But for a whopping $450 smackaroos, is this smexy collector's item worth it?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Put it in your ears.

I've recently teamed up with the likes of Kumail Nanjiani under Chris Hardwick's "Nerdist Industries" banner to form *cue epic music* The Indoors Kids Podcast! We have a blast talking to our guests about videogames and what they mean to us- all while managing to make you crap your pants. It's been a rip-roaring good time. Check it out, rate, and review it here on iTunes! Then go and comment and let us know what you think here on the Nerdist website. But srsly, put it in your ears already.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


California, where do I begin? For the past two months have been nothing short of stupendous. I've been out on the west coast interning at G4 (in part thanks to you guys and my bake sale!). So far I love it here; the weather, the food, the people. There's no doubt in my mind that I'll make my way back to some part of Cali when I graduate. As far as what I'll be doing? That's up in the air as of right now, and you know what? I'm perfectly okay with that. I just know that I want to play a part in the gaming industry. It would be great to put my television production skills to use, however, when I first got my feet wet at PAX Prime of last year interning with the Frag Dolls, I felt a sense of belonging- that I was home amongst those who make up the amazing community that is gaming.

I've been given some pretty cool opportunities since I've been here. Most of which were things I had only dreamed of two years ago when I made the commitment to follow through with my life goals. For one, I got to attend my first E3 this summer, which was pretty spectacular. I live-tweeted the entire Microsoft Press Event as well as Sony, although, this shouldn't surprise any of you who know me.

I even got to hip-thrust a sexy vehicle at the Forza Motorsport E3 party. How very appropriate!

At the Sony Press Event they had the most unearthly and amazing cupcakes I think I've ever laid my eyes on.. well, until a few days ago when I walked by Magnolia Bakery, but that's another story all together. Let's just say the one I ate was pretty ri-goddamn-diciously yummy. Why you ask? It was bacon infused. Yes. You read that right.

DID I MENTION THE FOOD OUT HERE IS BALLIN' FANTASTIC? Maybe I did, however let me reiterate that for you. It's heavenly. If the food out here had a page on Facebook, I would like it. In fact, I'm gonna go double check that.. you know, I'm not even sure I ever realized just how much I enjoy food until I moved here. You get my point, perhaps, not enough, but I digress.

Within the past few weeks I've had my first ever Ethiopian meal, all you can eat Korean BBQ, Tofu House, kickass Indian, sushi (which you should know is always a good time), a barrage of food trucks- including Kogi BBQ (GOOGLE THAT), as well as my new favorite obsession, a tasty morsel I like to call by it's name of endearment, froyo. That's frozen yogurt for you kids who are abbreviation debilitated.

I've had just about every flavor of frozen yogurt there is to offer and I've made it my mission to seek out just about froyo hotspot in the area, topping off each location with a film mugshot- proof that I came, I conquered, and I ate a crapton of froyo. I'll be sure to post those up on my Flickr once I get back to the photo laboratory. Muhahaha. Meanwhile, here's a picture of one of my most recent masterpieces.

With about a month left to go, I still have a bunch of sites I'd like to see, goals I have yet to accomplish, as well as times to be had in the presence of good people. With both San Diego Comic Con as well as MLG Anaheim right around the corner there's no telling what's next for me. However I have a hinch that it will be EGGGCEELLLEENTT. *pets a cat and laughs maniacally*

Love you internet! xoxo HUGS.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Help me get to LA!

Here's the link to the Facebook Event: Baker Sale - LA Fundraiser.

I'm currently holding a bake sale this weekend in hopes to raise funds for my LA trip to work at G4 this summer. For those of you who don't live close-by, you can still help make my dreams come true and donate (anything is so greatly appreciated). To give you an idea I'll be selling baked goods starting at a dollar each..

If the button above doesn't work you can also use this link: http://bit.ly/BakeToLA.

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Photo Series / PAX Approaching

Things at school have been hectic lately with my double major. The workload is nuts but I've been pretty pleased with the way my photography is progressing. Here's a sneak peek at the set I've been working on this semester. The series illustrates the more impoverished areas of Hartford using long night exposures and encapsulating the desolation of the area.

In other news, PAX East is in 3 days and I'm really looking forward to it. I have some exciting news regarding new content as well as a new job that I can't wait to share with all of you so keep your eyes peeled.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm & THQ's Homefront

Season kick off of STN AfterParty and Ali's Got Game. This week I cover Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm, as well as the Homefront THQ event. Check it out. All writing, gameplay footage and content creation is my own with exception of the THQ press footage.